

This tag is associated with 2 posts

These items caught my eye – 10 August 2014

1: The diminishing influence of increasing Carbon Dioxide on temperature; 2: Opposing wind generators is not anti-green; 3: California Wildfires Not Unusual; 4: Avoiding blackouts just by replacing reliable power sources with intermittent ones; 5: The great diesel scandal; 6: Swedish Environmental Party makes a fool of itself (again); 7: Engagement vs communication vs PR … Continue reading

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These items caught my eye – 9 June 2014

1: Energy efficiency is not the same as energy saving; 2: Giant Of Geology/Glaciology Christian Schlüchter Refutes CO2; 3: World Council for Nature — 1,600 Miscarriages at Fur Farm next to Wind Turbines; 4: Wildfires Were Much Worse In Past; 5: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation & Arctic Temperatures; 6: Tracking polar bears in the Beaufort Sea … Continue reading

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